The Pop-Up Plant Shop

Welcome to our enchanting Pop-Up Plant Shop, where green dreams come to life! Step into a botanical wonderland filled with lush foliage, vibrant blooms, and the irresistible allure of nature. Our temporary oasis is carefully curated to bring the joy of gardening and the beauty of plants right to your fingertips.


I started The Pop-Up Plant Shop as a way to advertise my gardening services – but it has now taken off in to its own little business adventure. I really enjoy doing the plant stalls as I get to talk to people about plants all day!
I can keep costs down because I propagate the majority of the plants myself, the pots you see them in are recycled/second-hand/donated and the compost in which I use is from my own composter. Plants can be really expensive which means, if money is tight, many people would not be in a position to add some greenery to their house/garden, I don’t think this is fair! So part of my ethos is to keep costs low to allow all people access to plants – should this be something of interest to them.
Yes – pleas do! My Pop-Up Plant Shop is set up in my conservatory when I am not at markets so please just drop me an email/text and we can work out a time for you to come over that suits.
Yes, I deliver in and around Bristol for a small fee (£1 per mile)
The sky is my limit right! I would love a plant shop but I am not naïve to the costs associated with that so, for now, just develop the pop up plant shop further over the spring/summer of 2024 and attend lots of markets to spread the word about the gardening services I offer and, may be, get some people interested in giving growing, whether indoor or outdoor, a go! When and where will we see you in 2024? From April to October I attend markets, fairs and festivals to sell a range of indoor and outdoor plants at low prices. Things are pretty quiet this time of year (Jan 2024), the plants are mostly sleeping, but I will update my website as and when I have future stalls. In the meantime, check out the 2 confirmed bookings below: Thursday 25th January 2024 – The University of West England (UWE) for Wellbeing Week Saturday 27th April 2024 – BRISTOL BANSHEES FUNDAY, Barton Hill RFC, Duncombe Lane, Speedwell, BS15 1NR (12 to 7pm).